St. Gallen, Suisse

Membre depuis
2005aucune disponibilité renseignée
Flat in St. Gallen, Switzerland
We are living in the German speaking area in the east of Switzerland, in St. Gallen. Our neighbourhood is rather quiet, easily accessible with public transport.
La famille
- 2 Adultes
- 0 Enfants
- 20 Échange(s) réalisé(s) précédemment
Profession / Occupation
- pensionierter Berufsschullehrer -In/retired vocational school teacher
- Berufsschullehrer -In
Le logement
- Type de logement: appartement
- Étage/Niveau: 1
- Environnement : en ville
- Chambres: 2
- Salles de bain: 2
- Nombre de couchages: 5
- Superficie totale: 110 m2
Les références d'échange
- Animaux domestiques - NON Refusés
- Enfants en bas-âge - OUI - Acceptés
Transactions proposées
- Échange de maisons
Confort intérieur
- accès internet
- ordinateur à disposition
- jacuzzi
- chauffage central
- jeux et jouets
- lave-linge
- lave-vaisselle
- sèche-linge
- télévision
- piano
- guitare
Confort extérieur
- jardin
- balcon
- aire de jeux / parc
- barbecue
- garage / parking privé
- vélos: 2
- maison non fumeur
- ascenseur
- prêt/échange de voiture
- animaux domestiques à garder
Destinations souhaitées
- Ouvert à toutes destinations
- New Zealand
- Finland
- Sweden
- Ireland
- England, UK
Langues parlées
- Anglais
- Français
- Allemand
Carte de situation géographique et informations complémentaires

Aéroport le plus proche: Zurich Airport - 84 km
Here is a place where opposites attract to form a "solid" holiday offering: The city of St.Gallen with the Abbey District (UNESCO World Heritage Site) is a real tip for fans of city tours. On the shores of Lake Constance, from Rorschach to Altenrhein, the lake invites you to stay with activities such as swimming, water sports and exciting museums. The rustic surroundings of St.Gallen are a superb hiking and cycling area.
In front of the imposing backdrop of the Alpstein Mountains with Mount Säntis is the region of St.Gallen-Lake Constance in the foothills.
Profession / Occupation
- pensionierter Berufsschullehrer -In/retired vocational school teacher
- Berufsschullehrer -In
- Aucun enfant
Animaux domestiques
- two cats: Felya and Trixli, female
Les références d'échange
Ces membres ont déjà réalisé 20 échanges de maisons. Ceux référencés ici peuvent contenir les commentaires de leurs correspondants d'échange.

Berlin, Allemagne
Helsinki, Finlande
Kilkenny, Irlande
Reykjavík, Islande
IS11087Við skiptum við yndislegt fólk og margt á heimilinu þeirra var áþekkt okkar heimili. Við áttum í ágætis samskiptum fyrir skiptin og öllu var vel lýst á intervac síðunni þeirra. Þau skildu eftir mikið af upplýsingum og kortum fyrir okkur sem komu sér að góðum notum. Við tókum að okkur að passa kisurnar þeirra, tvær læður, á meðan skiptunum stóð. Önnur kisan reyndist vera hin mesta veiði kisa og færði okkur “gjafir” í þrígang, tvisvar sinnum mús og einu sinni fugl. Lærdómurinn okkar er að taka ekki að okkur pössun á gæludýrum um aftur :).
Bæði dóttir þeirra og fjölskyldu vinkona höfðu samband við okkur sem var mjög notalegt. Á heildina litið vorum við mjög ánægð og búum að góðum minningum og reynslu.

Leiden, Pays-Bas
Wilwerwiltz, Luxembourg